Коротко про нас

We are a company with over 10 years in the field of clean energy, especially wind energy turbines. We are proud to bring to organizations and companies a natural source of clean energy, contributing to reducing global pollution. We are still on the road trying to develop clean energy technology to bring the most satisfaction to…

1994 - Solar Energy

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1996 - Energy Saving

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2006 - Renewable Energy

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2017 - Green Technology

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Renewable Energy

We take pride in catering to a broad range of clientele throughout the country with our warehousing services, which is comprehensive, reliable and flexible – qualities that are essential to help businesses in this market.

Water 77%
Solar 94%

Features with Renewable Energy

We take pride in catering to a broad range of clientele throughout the country with our warehousing services, which is comprehensive, reliable and flexible – qualities that are essential to help businesses in this market.

  • Qualities that are essential
  • Network of warehouses and distribution
  • Customer and having an edge
  • Flowchart tailored to meet your business